Petits Taurons – Acció Stellaris
Petits Taurons – Acció Stellaris Project
Due to the Palma Aquarium Foundation’s interest in working with native sharks and rays, discussions have begun with the Government
At the same time, the editorial team of the Llibre Vermell de Peixos de les Balears had already become aware of the importance of chondrichthyans in the natural marine systems of the archipelago and the need to undertake conservation measures, as they are the most endangered group of fish, both locally and globally. In 2019, the Mallorca Preservation Foundation agreed to promote a captive breeding project of a selachian fish, in order to gain experience that will allow, in the future, to undertake the recovery of more endangered or locally extinct species.
This led to the creation of a working group made up of the aforementioned organisations, the Servei de Protecció d’Espècies (Conselleria de Medi Ambient), the Small Mediterranean Islands Initiative (PIM) and Save The Med, which met for the first time in 2020, agreeing to promote a programme on seláceos (Bastina in Catalan), which took the form of a first project, the captive breeding of Alitán (Gatvaire on the islands), together with educational and awareness-raising initiatives for the whole group.