About us

Non-profit entity

The Palma Aquarium Foundation for the Protection of the Environment is a non-profit organization that acts mainly in the area of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands. They may collaborate in any other territorial area with other organizations and entities to achieve their purposes and goals.

We are a varied team of people that work to improve the conservation and protection of the seas and oceans. We carry out joint collaborations with organizations, public administrations and other institutions related to nature to achieve greater diffusion of the challenges to which marine ecosystems are subject.

We organize and coordinate actions and campaigns with the general public and with children specifically to raise awareness, educate and inform of the importance of working together throughout society to conserve the seas and oceans of the planet.

Los fines de la Fundación Palma Aquarium, son:

Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

Impulse the rehabilitation of threatened species and the recovery of damage decosystems.

Develop environmental education and awareness campaigns.

Promote institutional cooperation between public and prívate entities to acheive common environmental objectives.

Help in the social intergration of disabled people or those at risk of exclusión.