Palma Aquarium Foundation

Knowledge to value, value to protect.

About us?

Palma Aquarium is a marine park committed to the conservation of the seas and oceans around the world and more concrete with the Balearic Sea, since its opening in 2007, thus becoming involved in multiple environmental actions during these years.

In March 2016, the “Palma Aquarium Foundation for the Protection of the Environment” was formally established, a non-profit organization promoted by Palma Aquarium with the aim of offering personal, material means to the service of conservation, education and investigation.

The aims of the Palma Aquarium Foundation are:

-Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

-Impulse the rehabilitation of threatened species and the recovery of damage decosystems.

-Develop environmental education and awareness campaigns.

-Promote institutional cooperation between public and prívate entities to acheive common environmental objectives.

-Help in the social intergration of disabled people or those at risk of exclusión.

What we do

We spread awareness about the vital relationship that human beings have with the seas and oceans as well as the importance of its conservation.

Sea turtles

Rescue centre for protected marine animals (sea turtles, cetaceans and sharks).


Evaluation Study of beach quality in regards to sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests.

Environmental education

We want to encourage from a young age the importance of conserving biodiversity.

Coastal cleaning

The seas and oceans of the world are our main source of supply for the vital


Project "Stellaris Action"

Pilot project for the captive breeding and introduction to the wild of small Mediterranean sharks in collaboration with other entities and organisations.

Marinas and Nautic Clubs Action

Since the summer of 2015, the Palma Aquarium Foundation has been working jointly with several nautical clubs in Mallorca.

Anida project

The Palma Aquarium Foundation for the Protection of the Environment has launched a campaign called “ANIDA”.

Limonium Barceloi

We want to promote the importance of conserving the autochthonous flora of the Ses Fontanelles area among young people….

Volunteers Team

Volunteers are the heart and soul of a non-profit organisation. They are a perfectly coordinated team and without them the organisation would not be able to work.

Last News

Mantente al día con la actualidad de la Fundación.

Social project “Animals are ALL”

Social project “Animals are ALL”

Last August the Palma Aquarium Foundation and Mallorca Mega Resort S.L. launched a campaign called “Animals are ALL” as a result of the collaboration agreement between both entities. The campaign consists of collecting the lost towels that accumulate in the hotels...

Lui, Vaiana & Speedy released back into the sea

Lui, Vaiana & Speedy released back into the sea

On October 2nd, three sea turtles that had been in Palma Aquarium´s recovery centre returned back to the sea in the Toro marine reserve (Calviá). Lui was found on the 26th of July near Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, floating on the sea surface, when they approached the turtle...

Proud godparents!

Proud godparents!

The loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) is the most abundant sea turtle in the Mediterranean. Traditionally, it has nested in the eastern basin (Turkey, Greece and Cyprus), but not in its westernmost part. However, as of 2001 some sporadic nests were registered in...

Linking the environment and sport

Linking the environment and sport

The Palma Aquarium Foundation responded to a request from the RMA Mallorca football Academy, who contacted us a couple of months ago. We were very pleased to meet Robert, the manager of the headquarters of this Sports Foundation in the Balearic Islands. Robert is the...

Recovery Center

Palma Aquarium has signed a collaboration agreement with the prestigious Anicura Aragó Veterinary Hospital in Palma.